6 months and 10 days old. Today our trip to the doctor gave us some new info ... our little peanut is 15 lbs even, getting super tall at 26 3/4 inches, much more active than most 6 month old babies and very laid back. Our doctor called Gabriel a "she" about 3 times (being corrected by Patrick every time, of course!) and by the third time, he said, "I am so sorry I keep doing that. Honestly, he is just a real pretty guy." Patrick and I took no offense and said thank you to him. The doctor also kept asking if he is always "like this?" Letting the doctor throw him around to check out his vitals and then looking in his ears, moving legs to check reflexes, etc... Gabriel just kept smiling at him. We responded and told him, that indeed, Gabriel is always chill and seems to get along with everyone, nothing bothers him and he rarely cries. He truly is going to trick us into having another baby much sooner!
We are so enjoying this new phase Gabriel is in right now. He is up on all fours, rocking back and forth, army crawling everywhere, and loving his solid food... sometimes he grunts while I am feeding him, indicating I am not dishing it in fast enough! He loves shiny things and chews on ANYthing he can get his hands on. There is a video below of him going after the camera... a shiny thing... he stops at nothing till he can grab it.
As always, being a parent just gets sweeter and sweeter. I thank Jesus daily for giving us the opportunity to love and teach one of His children.