I found this when I was cleaning out my disaster of a closet/office/trash room/storage. It appears to be more of an office now, at least when I can keep the door closed. I found many treasures, but this was the greatest.
I had committed myself to this promise so often while growing up, while learning what chastity was, while struggling through high school and college with the peer pressure and the expectations so many guys had and what I thought could give me worth. Confession was the only thing that actually got me through. Continuing to renew myself, so failure would never happen. Continuing to have Christ remind me that even in the struggle, I could get back up and still keep my eyes on the prize. I offered every moment for a man who would do the same.
The last time I signed one of these cards was on the date you see below, 7-8-02... considering the amazing party that followed our wedding Mass on 7-7-07, this promise was made exactly 5 years before I gave myself away for the first time. Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy, and the undeserved grace to make this happen. There is not a day that goes by that I am not overwhelmed with gratitude that God saw me through this promise.
thank's for your information and i like your post