Thursday, April 30, 2009

We're just little...

So, it's confirmed... we're just little... me and the baby.

We went today for another ultrasound (I think we are up to 8 now) and yet again, everything is fine. The baby is in the 39% range in size, which is totally cool because they do not start to worry unless the baby falls in the 10% or lower range. So, we're good to go. Dr. Barrett said she would be surprised if the baby weighed more than 7 pounds at birth, so you know what I said... "Great, s/he will be easier to get out!"

Some other news: I have gained 27 pounds and the baby's head is down. Both very good.

It was so neat today to see our little one on the screen. We watched his/her little mouth opening and closing and saw the little hands. It makes it so real. We are officially in the home stretch. Less than 3 weeks till the due date and the nesting has begun... whew... I was cleaning up a storm last night and never got tired. I think this is what they say happens. I am just praying not to drive Patrick too crazy in the meantime... so, pray I can learn to rest and that he will stop asking me if I am in labor!

Later taters!

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